The Bluebird Project

Building Affordable Communities in New Hampshire’s North Country

The Bluebird Project is on a mission to rebuild historic homes for the local community in the Mount Washington Valley.

Our Mission >

About the Team

Caitlin (Kit) Hickey

Kit Hickey is a Conway resident and one of the founders of Bluebird. Kit teaches entrepreneurship at MIT, and is an elected member of the Conway Budget Committee. Kit is passionate about giving hardworking families a safe, comfortable and stable place to live. In her spare time Kit likes to hike, ski, swim and travel.

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About the Team

Eliza Grant

Eliza is a Conway resident with a special interest in saving historic buildings and supporting Mount Washington Valley residents by increasing affordable housing options. In her spare time, Eliza likes to hike and ski with her dogs.

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Our Projects

Preserving the historic character of the Mount Washington Valley, and building homes the community can afford.

Our Projects >